Northern Lakes

We are Governed by Policies


Every club falls under the USPC By-Laws, which is divided into three sections; By-Laws of USPC (National), By-Laws of the Regions of USPC, and the By-Laws of the Registered Clubs of USPC. In addition, policies are written at each level -- National, Regional and Club level -- to further support these By-Laws.

National Policies

USPC National Policies address the the philosophy, goals and objectives of the organization, including Pony Club's Mission Statement and Guiding Beliefs. In addition, the National Policies cover the function and administration, the regions and the registered clubs, the instruction and activities, and fiscal responsibilities of the national organization.

Regional Policies

Each Region must develop policies that establish the standard criteria and processes for management of the Regional operations and activities.

The Regional Supervisor, or a committee designated by the Regional Supervisor, shall be responsible for drafting the proposed initial policies. Any member of the Regional Council may propose a policy amendment. The Regional Council shall review all policies and amendments.

Policies and amendments shall become effective when adopted by the Regional Council and approved by the USPC Vice President of Regional Administration.

Each Region shall establish criteria that fairly define Active Participation. The Regional criteria shall not conflict with the criteria or policies of USPC. The criteria shall include, but shall not be limited to, regular attendance at instructional activities, and where appropriate to a Member's rating, teaching, coaching and taking part in mounted competitive activities as a member of a club or regional team. The criteria shall consider and acknowledge special circumstances that may limit a Member's participation.

All such criteria are subject to review by the USPC Vice President of Regional Administration.

Club & Center Policies

Each Registered Club shall develop policies that establish the standard criteria and processes for the management of the operations and activities of the Club.

The District Commissioner, or a committee designated by the District Commissioner, shall be responsible for drafting the proposed initial policies. Any officer or Sponsor of the Club may propose a policy amendment. The Sponsors shall review all policies and amendments.

Policies and amendments shall become effective when adopted by the Sponsors and approved by the Regional Supervisor, subject to review by the Vice President of Regional Administration.

Each Registered Club shall develop a policy that fairly defines a Member in Good Standing. Such policy shall consider and acknowledge special circumstances that may limit a Member's participation. The Club policy must be compatible with the Regional policy on Active Participation.

Each Registered Club shall develop a policy that details policy that details income, expenses and assets by categories (USPC By-Laws of the Registered Clubs, 5.1(a) Funds)

All policies are subject to review by the Regional Supervisor and USPC Vice President of Regional Administration.

Please click here for USPC Club & Center Policy Guidelines, Resources & Policy Template

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