Northern Lakes Forms & Information
NLR Letter of Intent to Rate for Regional & National Testing (C2 and Up)
Deadline: January 31st for 2025, typically the deadline is January 1st
- Open the Doc. Download to your computer. Upload to Google Drive. Rename it with your name in it. Fill it out. Share or email to the RS, RIC, and testing organizer.
- The letter is non-binding in January but allows the RIC to plan for testing. There will be another TBD deadline for a final commitment and deposit.
- Letter of Intent to Test Form
NLR Impartial Observer Letter
- Please share this letter with the candidates and families prior to testing to establish the lines of communication about any special considerations a candidate may need during testing. Open the Doc. Download to your computer. Copy & paste the text into an email to families.
- Impartial Observer letter template
NLR Reimbursement Form--due to Treasurer with receipts no later than 60 days after the expenditure
- Open the Doc. Download to your computer. Print & fill out and mail OR
- Upload to Google Drive. Fill it out. Share or email along with receipts to the RS and NLR Treasurer.
- NLR Reimbursement Form
Event Budget Form--DUE to RS 4 weeks in advance of the opening of event registration for approval
Member Resources for Horse Management